
Nh oplc hours
Nh oplc hours

Once candidates receive their NTS, they can then contact Prometric to schedule the examination. An examination appointment cannot be scheduled without a valid NTS. The NTS lists the section(s) that the candidate is approved to take, as well as the deadline for testing. Upon successful state application, candidates will receive a Notice to Schedule (NTS), which is valid for one testing event or six months, whichever comes first.

  • Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR): $224.99.
  • Business Environment and Concepts (BEC): $224.99.
  • Auditing and Attestation (AUD): $224.99.
  • Candidates can take one or more sections of the exam at a time and must pay the following fees to CPA Examination Services at the time of application:
  • 24 semester hours in business subjects other than accounting.
  • 30 semester hours in accounting subjects.
  • A total of 120 Semester hours, including a bachelor's degree.
  • Below we will be discussing the requirements for the state of New Hampshire. Each state has its own set of eligibility requirements for the CPA exam, which should not be confused with licensing requirements.

    nh oplc hours

    Before candidates can sit for the exam, they must satisfy their New Hampshire CPA Exam requirements and qualifications.

    nh oplc hours

    In addition, candidates must pass the rigorous CPA exam in order to earn the distinction of this credential. It indicates that the accountant has satisfied a demanding set of educational, professional, and ethical standards.

    Nh oplc hours professional#

    The Certified Public Accountant certification is one of the most prestigious professional certifications available.

    Nh oplc hours